Man, what a great weekend. The celebration of a best friend's 40th, many of the guests dear to my heart. Food from a local farm, Rosé from Aix and a perfect, crisp newly autumn evening lit by little white lights. Today we went out to the country and harvested this years honey. I know that for many beekeepers this yearly ritual is just another piece of the puzzle, but for me it was an apex. This is my third year stewarding bees and this the first harvest. There were some early hardships (hives gobbled by hungry bears among them) that just never left enough honey left over to take any for ourselves. This year, the hives have been thriving and we harvested nearly a dozen jars of beautiful, marmalade colored Apple Valley honey. Deeply satisfying.
Tired children at the end of a full Sunday. Everyone drifting off to a different dream station... the sound of the waves on the Malecon in Havana, the top of some desolate Pakistani peak, the inside of an all glass shopping mall where everyone is naked.. who knows where we will go tonight, fed on the golden nectar of mystery. As I turn in this day, I offer a deep bow to all those who left us 10 years ago today and a wish that survivors of loved ones can forgive, heal and live on in fullness.