So much is happening. The earth is awake in every way. Fat robins, leaves bursting on all the big old trees that were but shadows a few months ago. Tomorrow is mother's day.
Mother Earth, Grandmother Spider, hand holder, arm rocker, maker, taker, doer, magic being of visible and invisible strengths.
Jean Pierre got stung by a bee today. His first sting.
He was trying to rescue a baby bee that had fallen into the pool and had picked him up in his hand. Upon rescue the bee stung him on the finger. His yowls were those of someone who did not yet know that kind of pain. I held him for a long time, until the feeling subsided. Once he regained his calm he asked me if the bee would die, now that it had stung him (something I, no doubt, had told him happens). Lucien then piped up that he had just read a book that details the first 10 weeks of a young bees life and said that during that time they can sting and not die. I do not know if this is actually true, but it was the right fact for the moment. Jean Pierre blinked and said, I am so happy he will not die. That is good that he will not die. I am humbled by the wisdom of my children and so deeply grateful to get to be a mother this time around. Maybe next time I will be a bee. Speaking of, check out this new movie- it looks really good.