Man. Just back among the living after a weekend of being totally bedridden with a hideous head cold. No matter how I cut it, I usually get sick this time of year. Even though I tried to escape this year by sneaking off to Costa Rica for the coldest part of January. No luck. It was so delicious to be at the beach with my family. Time just to read, to eat, to be together without all running in different directions.
I read this and this and loved them both for different reasons (reviews on Goodreads if you should care to hear more).
Now we are back. It snowed 24 inches in the mountains this week and I had a weekend to ruminate on how wonderful it is to feel good (feeling lousy as I did) and recommit to doing basic things to keep myself healthy. Top 3: Drink more water, eat mostly plants, walk and breath and notice when I am doing them both. Other inspirations include the morning green smoothies, blue corn posole, and pearled barley.
I am feeling the ups and downs, as always, but somehow getting older (which I always do in January) is making me feel ever more drawn the place where those two seas meet.